École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence

Masters training

Master of Science in Aeronautics and Space

Master TAT


Master TAT


After a relatively generalist core curriculum in first year, the 2nd  year program aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the disciplines of aerodynamics, energetics, thermal science, mechanics of structures and materials, and numerical simulation, with the objective of analysing and solving complex problems in terms of experimental, analytical and numerical aspects.

This course is also open to students from the graduate engineering program.




Didier SAURY didier.saury@ensma.fr


Options managers

Aerodynamics : Nassim Razaaly, nassim.razaaly@ensma.fr

Energetics : Julien Sotton, julien.sotton@ensma.fr

Thermics : Etienne Videcoq, etienne.videcoq@ensma.fr

Structures : Mandana Arzaghi, mandana.arzaghi@ensma.fr

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