University Alliance

In 2022, the Alliance Universitaire Aliénor d’Aquitaine (AAUA) is set up to coordinate and structure higher education and research in Poitiers and the surrounding area.
A shared ambition to enhance the reputation of the Poitiers university site
The Alliance universitaire Aliénor d’Aquitaine brings together 13 actors from the Poitiers site, sharing a common strategy to respond in an interdisciplinary and partnership-based way to three sustainable development objectives identified by the United Nations :
- “Health and well-being” (ODD 3),
- “Quality Education” (ODD 4),
- Sustainable cities and communities (ODD 11).
These three societal challenges are the signature of the Aliénor d’Aquitaine University Alliance.
To pursue this strategy, the members of the Alliance have set five operational objectives:
- Develop resources for more dynamic, coordinated research to meet major scientific challenges;
- Structure a more innovative, integrated and diversified training offer;
- Foster a dynamic and responsible quality of life on campus;
- Foster a dynamic of innovation and entrepreneurship;
- Play an active role in digital transformation.
Members of the Alliance universitaire Aliénor d’Aquitaine
Three founding members:
Three national research organizations:
Three national education operators (headquartered on the Futuroscope site):
Three higher education institutions:
- École européenne supérieure de l’image (ÉESI),
- CREPS de Poitiers,
- the Poitiers campus of Sciences Po.
as well as the structuring operator for student life : CROUS de Poitiers.
More information on the Alliance universitaire Aliénor d’Aquitaine website