Recruiting interns from
During their studies at ISAE-ENSMA, students have the opportunity to live the professional life of an engineer through several internship periods. You can forward an internship proposal to ISAE-ENSMA.
"Blue-collar" internship
(between the 1st and the 2nd year of studies, duration: 1 to 2 months, from July to August)
The aim of the first compulsory internship is to let the student discover production operations and the importance of human factors in a company. The student must write a report which is graded. The report comprises an account of the task performed by the student and an analysis of the labour relations in the company.
"Junior engineer" undergraduate training
(between the 2nd and the 3rd year of studies: duration: 3 to 4 months, from June to September)
The second compulsory internship is performed in industry or in a research institute, in France or abroad. The student is supervised by a mentor. The internship aims at enabling the student to experience the responsibilities of an engineer. Performing the tasks assigned to an engineer is the opportunity for the student to finalize his/her career objectives. It allows the students to select his/her “major” for his/her final year of studies.
Graduation project
(at the end of the last semester of studies at ISAE-ENSMA. Duration: 3 to 6 months, between April and September)
To complete his/her academic training, the graduation internship can be performed either in industry or in a research institution, in France or abroad.
As a junior engineer level intern, the student engineer is in a charge of a study which complements his education and is in line with his career objectives. The graduation project is the opportunity to actively take part in the development of an engineering project for a company (design, modeling, test campaigns and test analyses…). The graduation project is a springboard for the student engineer in his pursuit of a high profile career.
How to find and validate the internships?
The students find their internship by themselves. They apply for internship positions through the human resources department of companies or directly to potential internship supervisors. When they find an internship, the internship’s description must be forwarded for validation to ISAE-ENSMA’s internship service. Students can also select an internship proposed by ISAE-ENSMA’s internship service. As concerns graduation projects, the subjects of the studies must be validated by an ISAE-ENSMA faculty member or an ISAE-ENSMA laboratory researcher, who will also liaise with the student and his/her mentor during the internship.
Evaluation of the internship
At mid-stage, the student engineer must forward a progress report to ISAE-ENSMA’s internship service. Following the internship, a report and a summary must be written up. A jury composed of two faculty members, including ENSMA’s supervising correspondent, and the employer’s supervisor (if possible), assesses the presentation of the project by the student. The grades given by the three members are averaged.
Corporate relations office
Internships and job offers
Tel: +33(0)5 49 49 80 13 ou +33(0)5 49 49 80 05
Head of office:
Mrs. Annette ROY
Tel: +33(0)5 49 49 84 20

École nationale supérieure de mécanique et d’aérotechnique
Téléport 2 – 1 avenue Clément Ader
BP 40109
86961 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex
Tél. +33 (0)5 49 49 80 80
Fax : +33 (0)5 49 49 80 00