École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence



For WHAT to do?

  • Student initiative (projects, innovation, entrepreneurship)
  • Pedagogical experimentation, collaborative work and autonomy
  • Multidisciplinary approach: scientific-technical + social science + social responsibility

For WHO?

  • CATT campus training (ISAE-ENSMA, University of Poitiers)
  • Entrepreneurship PEPITE, clubs, Junior company EJE
  • Personnel of the Aeronautical Campus and TransporT (CATT)
  • Companies: support, innovation

How? 3 thematic spaces on 2000 m2

  • Hydrogen and Hybrid Systems for Mobility
  • Aerodynamics and structures for aeronautics and transport
  • Intelligent autonomous systems and virtual reality
  • And the essential workshop: machining, composites, additive manufacturing, electronics,…

Current student projects

  • CubeSat 3U entirely designed by NAASC students who will take off in 2026!



Banc de test vibratoire

  • Fuel Cell Test set up for Training.

Hydrogène et systèmes hybrides pour la mobilité

  • The aircraft of the students of ISAE-ENSMA is instrumented to make measurements in flight (accelerations, efforts, shocks, …) and will make a tour of Europe in 2024: Build2Fly. Students designed ground test benches to replay the forces on the structure and compare to the digital twin of the aircraft.

Pioneer 300 et Build2Fly

  • Installation of a wind tunnel for student projects.

Aérodynamique et structure pour l’aéronautique et le transport

  • Test bench to study the energy chain of a hydrogen bicycle.

Vélo H2

  • Energy bench for producing energy from the combustion of iron powders.

Brûleur de particules de fer

  • Design and manufacture of a rotary motor.

Moteur rotatif

  • Manufacture of a teaching robot and its digital twin.


  • Drone manufacturing.


  • Design and manufacture of a car simulator.

Simulateur auto

  • Manufacture of an aircraft simulator.

Simulateur avion

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