
For WHAT to do?
- Student initiative (projects, innovation, entrepreneurship)
- Pedagogical experimentation, collaborative work and autonomy
- Multidisciplinary approach: scientific-technical + social science + social responsibility
For WHO?
- CATT campus training (ISAE-ENSMA, University of Poitiers)
- Entrepreneurship PEPITE, clubs, Junior company EJE
- Personnel of the Aeronautical Campus and TransporT (CATT)
- Companies: support, innovation
How? 3 thematic spaces on 2000 m2
- Hydrogen and Hybrid Systems for Mobility
- Aerodynamics and structures for aeronautics and transport
- Intelligent autonomous systems and virtual reality
- And the essential workshop: machining, composites, additive manufacturing, electronics,…
Current student projects
CubeSat 3U entirely designed by NAASC students who will take off in 2026!
Fuel Cell Test set up for Training.
The aircraft of the students of ISAE-ENSMA is instrumented to make measurements in flight (accelerations, efforts, shocks, …) and will make a tour of Europe in 2024: Build2Fly. Students designed ground test benches to replay the forces on the structure and compare to the digital twin of the aircraft.
Installation of a wind tunnel for student projects.
– Aérodynamique et structure pour l’aéronautique et le transport
Test bench to study the energy chain of a hydrogen bicycle.
– Vélo H2
Energy bench for producing energy from the combustion of iron powders.
Design and manufacture of a rotary motor.
Manufacture of a teaching robot and its digital twin.
– Robot
Drone manufacturing.
– ENSMAéro
Design and manufacture of a car simulator.
Manufacture of an aircraft simulator.