École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence

Hervé Stevenin, engineer ENSMA Promotion 1985, is the European Astronaut coach of the European Space Agency. He completed a mission, NEEMO 19 NASA astronauts with the aim to study the behavior of persons subject to conditions similar to those encountered in a distant spacecraft from Earth during a long stay conditions. The pleasant surprise is that he and NASA have booked students ENSMA a time slot for a half-hour videoconference live … from the bottom of the sea! Indeed, Hervé Stevenin and the astronauts were trapped for a week in an underwater laboratory (Aquarius) off Florida. Students and school staff were impressed and pleased with the exchange.

Here are the links to see the article and reporting of France 3 Poitou-Charentes http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/poitou-charentes/2014/09/12/poitiers-les-eleves-de-l-ensma-en-direct-548922.html and the article by The New Republic: http://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/Vienne/Actualite/Education/n/Contenus/Articles/2014/09/17/L-entraineur-d-astronautes-et-les-futurs-ingenieurs-2048517

If you want to see and know more: Aquarius

Hervé Stevenin follow every day: https://twitter.com/ESAstro_trainerHervé en plongée

photo assignments Hervé Stevenin: https://www.flickr.com/photos/esastro_trainer/

presentation Hervé Stevenin onsite ESA: http://www.esa.int/About_Us/EAC/Herve_Stevenin habitacle Aquarius

NEEMO onsite ESA: http://www.esa.int/fre/ESA_in_your_country/France/Retour_sous_l_eau_pour_Thomas_et_Andreas

NEEMO 18 mission and 19 (presentation participants) on NASA website: http://www.nasa.gov/content/meet-the-neemo-18-and-19-crews/ Hervé habitacle Aquarius pression

Site Aquarius (live camera from the bottom of the ocean): http://aquarius.fiu.edu/currentmission/main-lock/équipe NEEMO 16

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