Masters training
Master of Science in Aeronautics and SpaceTurbulence

International MSc in Turbulence
The International MSc in Turbulence is aimed at all industrial and research sectors confronted with turbulent flows. The objective is to provide students, at the end of the two-year program, with a solid theoretical, numerical and experimental background in turbulence, enabling them to tackle all aspects of turbulent flows and their coupling with other physical phenomena (heat transfer, combustion, etc.).
The aim is to train high-level specialists for the major European companies and research laboratories concerned (environment, combustion, engines, energy production, vehicle design, fluid/thermal/chemical systems). Graduates have sufficient mastery of modern turbulence modelling to make a significant contribution to the development of projects and research.
Particular emphasis will be placed on numerical modelling, especially using commercial codes, in order to prepare students for a future in the aeronautical, automotive and railway industries, which make extensive use of these tools. Contact with current industry issues will be made primarily through the graduation internship of the Master’s programme, which can be carried out with industrial partners and lead to a Master’s thesis.
Program directors
Jean-Marc FOUCAUT, Centrale Lille, Tél.: +33 (0)3 74 95 41 33
Florent MARGNAT, ENSI Poitiers, Tél.: +33 (0)5 49 45 38 01
International relations office of ISAE-ENSMA
Maggy SOURISSEAU Tél.: +33 (0)5 49 49 83 46