École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence
Research policy

Research policy

  Research policy ISAE-ENSMA’s history guarantees the scientific excellence of its training programs through sustained research activity. In line with regional and national policies, and aware of the particular social responsibility of engineering schools,...
Networks and bilateral agreements

Networks and bilateral agreements

  Networks and bilateral agreements ISAE-ENSMA is part of a large number of networks enabling students to spend time abroad and international students to come to our school. Bilateral exchange agreements are signed allowing incoming and outgoing students to study...
Student associations

Student associations

Campus Associations and clubs Student life at ISAE-ENSMA is livened up by about seventy five associations and clubs managed by the Student Fraternity. Students can thus take part in the activity of their choice. There are clubs with aeronautical and space vocations,...
La finale des Olympiades Sciences de l’Ingénieur 2013

La finale des Olympiades Sciences de l’Ingénieur 2013

97 lycéens – répartis en 27 équipes issues de 9 lycées de la région Poitou-Charentes – ont présenté leurs projets innovants lors de la finale académique des Olympiades Sciences de l’Ingénieur qui s’est tenue le 11 avril à l’ISAE-ENSMA. Les 15 membres du...


SD&RS   For several years now, ISAE-ENSMA has undertaken a structured approach to SD&RS, integrating sustainability into all its training and research activities. The objective brings together 4 major actions.   Training students to meet the...
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