Experimental platform
The experimental platform PROMETEE (PROgramme et Moyens d’Essais pour les Transports, l’Énergie et l’Environnement) is a test centre of the engineering research laboratory Pprime. It was commissioned in 2018 to replace the previous technical centre CEAT (Centre d’Études Aérodynamiques et Thermiques) built in the 1960’s.
Not far from ISAE-ENSMA on the Futuroscope technology park, its special technical infrastructure enables the development of original test benches requiring rigorous safety conditions, high energy capacities or specific fluid networks. In particular, the site has its own high-pressure (200 bar) compressed air production network for the operation of high-speed wind tunnels and combustion benches. This ability to operate equipment under high gas pressure (air, hydrogen or other reactive or non-reactive gases) is one of the main features of this platform in the French research environment. With 4,500 m2, it will eventually be equipped with around twenty experimental installations dedicated to scientific and technological research, some of which are unique in Europe.

- in the Physics and Mechanics of Materials Department (PMM): durability and damage of materials under extreme conditions (high temperatures and/or pressures);
- in the Department of Fluids, Heat transfer and Combustion (FTC): compressible aerodynamics, jet aeroacoustics, high-temperature aerothermics, flow control, detonation and combustion for propulsion, fire safety;
- in the Mechanical Engineering Department (DGMSC): sealing and bearings for rotating machines.
- aeronautical and space propulsion (SAFRAN, CNES, ArianeGroup, etc.)
- energy (EDF, Air Liquide, etc.), particularly in the context of the development of the booming hydrogen sector.
- development of more economical engines and turbines,
- transition to alternative fuels,
- increasing the life of materials and their conditions of use at high pressures, temperatures and speeds,
- reduction of noise, increase in the reliability of aeronautical engines and space launchers.

Above: Mechanical tests under high pressure hydrogen
Opposite: Velocity measurement by laser velocimetry of a supersonic jet
Below: PERGOLA bench for the study of space propulsion using green storable propellants: atomisation, ignition and combustion. See the video.