ISAE-ENSMA organized its Business Forum for students to get some information about internships, jobs and careers within large groups in aeronautics, space, land transport, energy and computer science. Companies that participated: Dassault Aviation, Safran, Airbus Group, CNES, Thales, MBDA, ATR, Sogerma, EDF, CEA, Liebherr, Sogeti High Tech, Altran and Aeroteam. PhD students and students of the Junior Entreprise also had their own stands to introduce their activities. CNES has also offered one of the first conference to present the Ariane 6 program, by Mrs. Palatine ( ENSMA class of 1986).
Nos autres actualités
- « Journée Métiers » avec Dassault
- Ouverture des admissions sur dossier
- Vous êtes étudiant entrepreneur, vous portez un projet innovant ? Postulez pour faire partie de la #TeamNAqui @Vivatech2025 en répondant AVANT le mercredi 19 mars 2025
- Remise des Diplômes et Gala de l’ISAE-ENSMA en direct
- Vous êtes doctorants ou jeunes docteurs, participez au challenge entrepreneurial Starthèse ! Date limite de candidature 26 mars 2025.